It's barely been a week since we last reported on airlines ditching first-class cabins, but now it seems Cathay Pacific is following suit.

It's barely been a week since we last reported on airlines ditching first-class cabins, but now it seems Cathay Pacific is following suit.
Said to be the most powerful American intelligence installation outside of the United States...
Astonishing audacity meets legal loopholes.
How To Lose Half Your Bodyweight.
No, it's not hands or feet.
Sailing into the Twilight Zone...
Staying fit in middle age can be tough, but no one makes it look better than football superstar David Beckham.
Qantas may have been snubbed from a list of the Best First Class Airlines, but new plans could see them reinstated in the top spot.
Banned in many states, this controversial substance is finding an unexpected foothold in the fitness industry.
Grandads, the bar has been raised.
These are the top travel hacks for Aussies in April.
No, it's not TRT.
Research suggests that the reason obesity rates have spiked is because of our quickness to embrace the five "poisonous five P's"
It seems that the writing is on the wall for first class cabins, but the reason why is guaranteed to come as something of a surprise.
Valued at $30 million, it could remain empty thanks to its owner's nefarious dealings...
Nicknamed the 'Baby Boom'.
The piece of workout equipment behind these results might just catch you off guard...
They've saved this man's bacon...
Colorado-based startup, Radia, is set to break aviation records with the development of the world's largest aircraft.
Did you know major hotel chains run programs that allow one-off guests to tap most, if not all, of the benefits of top-status guests?
Business class ain't what it used to be... but maybe that's for the best.
Plant-based powerhouse...
Many have interpreted this as an effort to prevent vote-losing falls... we think otherwise.
"All the benefits of working out without moving a muscle."
The bitter end for first-class travellers.
We turn back the clock...
Coffee with a side of cruelty.
We've begun to notice a trend that we think more guys need to know about before embarking on their weight loss journeys.
A travel hack has split opinion in a big way after going viral on Instagram this week.
If you're thinking of flying, we recommend you reconsider...
60% admit to terrifying habit.
If it ain't broke, don't replace it...
Spotting a gap in the s*x-obsessed market, Meta has announced a timely update to their flagship VR product...
After something of a lull last year, the Bitcoin frenzy is back in full swing.
... and people seem to agree.
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