The legendary tale of how frustrated flight attendant Steen Slater quit his job and left in wonderfully nonchalant style.

Read all about flight attendants and what it takes to become one. Also, find out why flight attendants do certain things during the flights and what incidents took place on planes lately.
The legendary tale of how frustrated flight attendant Steen Slater quit his job and left in wonderfully nonchalant style.
It ain't all it's cracked up to be.
How not to start a holiday.
And lived to tell the tale...
Sci-Fi vibes in Chinese skies.
They've got your back... and your bulging biceps.
"When I get to the room it is the middle of the fun happening."
"So that's what turbulence is."
Don't want to get kicked off your flight? Don't say this.
Goodbye pantyhose and heels...
In an industry-leading move, Virgin Atlantic flight attendants no longer have to cover up their tattoos.
"Why didn't you tell me this 30 years ago?"
A new report brings to light accusations that Elon Musk exposed himself to a Space X flight attendant during a massage.
If you haven't tried ginger ale on a flight, you haven't lived...
Don't suffer in silence.
'We are Alitalia!'
"Ok, we've all been there – we're running late to a flight, we're panicking... Here's the first thing you need to do."
If it can happen on the ground, it can happen at 40,000ft.
"I was a flight attendant for 6 years and trust me this works."
"A travelling ass whooping. Thank you for flying with United."
"It means the world."
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