Taking the plunge on behalf of balding men everywhere, this man's new look should be an inspiration for those with thinning hairlines.

Are you fighting a losing battle? Discover all the latest treatments and scientific breakthroughs for male pattern baldness here.
Taking the plunge on behalf of balding men everywhere, this man's new look should be an inspiration for those with thinning hairlines.
Does Fortero live up to the hype?
But it's not all rough news for redheads.
I love a sunburnt country, a land of sweeping hairlines...
Protect your precious locks with the best hair loss shampoos available.
Receding hair doesn't need to be a losing battle.
The unbreakable rules of men's hairstyling.
Hello luscious locks...
A swing and a hit.
Seb's hair's making a comeback... Maybe his driving will, too?
Surgery-free hair.
A gentleman's guide to postponing the inevitable.
Naked and brave.
A modern miracle.
There's fix for everything...at the right price.
Less hassle, less cost, less awkwardness...
The Eighth Wonder Of The World.
Think men shouldn't be able to admit to caring about their appearance? You're living in the wrong century.
"You don't know me...you're about to."
The Rock better watch his back.
The hairy truth.
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